Neighbours talking over the garden gate has long been a tradition. They share gardening tips, complain about the weather and pests yet are ever eager to discuss their gardens. That is what I had in mind when creating this blog. So stop by my garden gate to find out the latest happenings in my garden.
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome
"All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child." ~ Madame Marie Curie"
I come from a strong military family with ancestors that were instrumental in shaping the history of Canada. I grew up surrounded by relatives who had fought for this country. Some of them made the ultimate sacrifice and while they are no longer here they live forever in our memories. If this video does not bring tears to your eyes, nothing will. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month we honour our fallen with 2 minutes silence from shore to shore of our great nation, Canada. Please join our nation in showing our respect and how thankful we are for enjoying the freedom they fought so hard for.
Sorry it has taken me a bit longer than anticipated for updating. I really wanted to update the background to the new style that I like but at the same time I wanted to keep the ivy graphic. Most of the updating is finished and I'm happy with the results. Over the next few days you may notice a few minor changes but nothing really disruptive. I'm considering eliminating both the "digg" and "buzz" buttons from the posts as they tend to be taking up blog real estate yet aren't used much and are in the way when I want to post a picture in the centre. Other than that other changes should be rather subtle. Feedback is always welcomed.
Blog Update: Starting tomorrow morning I will be updating this blog somewhat. You may see some weird things going on as I test things out. Most of the changes will involve the sidebar and header. I'm still debating other changes like the background. Please don't worry though as these changes will not affect the posts or archives. So please bare with me for the next couple of days. I promise things will be back to normal shortly.
Autumn Beauty October 22, 2008
It's autumn! The peak tree colours are now waning and leaves are flitting everywhere. Don't leave those leaves laying on your lawn or gardens. Rake them and bag them then set aside where they can sit undisturbed over the winter. By spring you will be able to use them for preparing your garden beds. You can also do a final mowing with the bagger in place or a leave vacuum to mulch the leaves that will help them break down faster.
This is a good time for me to share my views on leaf blowers/vacuums. We have one that sits in the garage wasting space. Yes it is easy to use but it uses electricity. The strap stresses the shoulder joint making it not exactly the healthiest thing to use for anyone who has back problems. However, the biggest complaint I have about this garden tool is the horrid noise it makes. This time of the year in urban settings you can't go a day without hearing one of these things. In my opinion they are nothing more than another irritating form of noise pollution, something that does affect your health. Our lovely rural setting is blissfully free of the sounds of leaf blowers!
A good, old fashioned fan rake is used to gather leaves. This is a non-polluting way of getting healthy exercise while filling your lungs with fresh air. At the same time we end up with a good soil ammendment for the garden beds in the spring and through-out the growing season. If you have more leaves than you can use in your own gardens put the word out to other gardeners who will be glad to take them off your hands.
I am a wife, mother and grandma who enjoys the many aspects of homemaking. A variety of interests and hobbies combined with travel keep me active. They reflect the importance of family, friends, home and good food.