I am not a huge fan of weeding especially in my vegetable beds. Weeds in moderation can serve a valuable service as companion plantings protecting vegetables from certain pests. Many common garden weeds are edible as well. Weeding is a necessary evil of gardening even if you take the lasie faire approach I do. Weeds like bind weed can strangle out just about any plant, they make garden beds unsightly and they rob garden beds of nutrition. The weeds provided a bit of welcomed shade for some of the vegetable plants. So today, I took one look at my new raised beds that are still struggling with the adverse weather conditions and decided a good weeding was in order just to remove a bit of nutrient competition. Weeding is always a bit easier when the ground is wet aka after watering or a rain. The beds look lovely now off to tackle the ornamental beds.
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome