We live in beautiful Ontario, Canada where the winters have not been as bad in the past. This one brought a bit more snow in our area but temperature wise it was a rather good winter. We are now into March, the fickle weather month. One day we get gorgeous sunshine the next snow flurries mixed with freezing rain. Today, we have a rain warning as the ground is not thawed but we are getting a lot of heavy rainfall. We went to Daylight Savings Time this past Sunday.
A sure sign of spring here is houseflies. Yesterday, I spotted two between the screens and window panes so not actually in the house but a good sign that winter will soon be loosing it's frosty grip. So, I spent the day starting a few seeds, planting a pineapple and doing a bit of garden planning. We have a lot of outdoor plans this year which will make a lot of changes to the appearance of the exterior of our house. Landscaping is weighing heavily into that equation.
I'm really looking forward to gardening in 2013. There wasn't as much rip out as we have had at other houses so I think we are going to make a lot of progress this year!