Back in March, I posted about a sure sign of spring, the common housefly. Aside of a couple of robins and spring bulbs braving the cold, wet spring that has been it. We are still wearing winter jackets here and the furnace is still on. We've had substantial rainfall with heavy rains warranting warnings from Environment Canada. A couple of days ago, we woke to light snow on the roofs, yesterday it rained all day along with a wet snow and today, rain is threatening to start any moment. It really hasn't been dry enough or nice enough to get much of anything done outside! The sun has gone into permanent hiding with the days taken over by dull grey skies full of precipitation. Even the transient nursery stands that set up each year are not out yet. So it is definitely a slow start to the 2013 growing season.
My start is going to be delayed pretty much until the end of May then there are going to be a lot of disruptions as we begin work on the backyard decks. I am not impressed with the PVC raised beds we installed last year. The pressure from the soil freezing over the winter has pushed out a couple of the sides. Basically, these beds while they looked nice will have to be dismantled despite their hefty price tag. That means I will have to move the strawberries and asparagus. Depending on how far we get on the decks, the beds would have to be moved anyway. The nice thing is we did all of the front yard rip out last fall so this spring it is starting pretty much with a bare slate. I have a few ideas for the front and side gardens landscaping so hope to have that all back in place during June. Now, if only the weather would cooperate!