Using self-watering planter for houseplants, on the patio or deck and in the garden makes a lot of sense. They result is healthier, stress-free plants that are better equipped in warding of disease and infestations. I have been busy repotting all of my houseplants and starting planted pots for outdoors using self-watering planters. Here's a few tips for using self-watering planters:
- size of self-watering planter - If repotting a plant, choose a size of self-watering planter about 1" to 2" diameter bigger than the pot the plant is currently in. For example if the plant is in a 4" pot, choose a 6" or 7" self-watering planter.
- soil - Use a good quality potting mix or mix your own using sterilized soil, vermiculite, and peat moss. The soil should be light and fluffy but with a bit of body to it.
- fertilizing - By the time most plants need repotting, they are a bit stressed. Use a fortified (.14-.14-.14) potting mix for non-edible plants or fertilize after repotting. Organic fer
- watering - Do not water or fill the reservoir before placing the plant where you want it! Place the potted plant on a plate, charger or floor protector. The reservoir can overflow if filled beyond it's capacity. Place the plant in a manner that there is easy access to the reservoir fill hole. Water the plant from the top until the entire soil surface is wet. Let the plant sit for 15 minutes before filling the reservoir. This allows any excess water to go into the reservoir and helps to prevent overflowing. Use a small curve spout watering can to fill the reservoir. If the reservoir has a float system, stop filling when the float pops up. If the reservoir does not have a float system, use your finger as a guide to fill until the reservoir hits your finger just slightly below the opening.
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome

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