When we first viewd our new home, the garden that accent the front and sides of the house as well as the perimeter of the back yard appeared lush. When we moved in, we quickly realized thistles were quite problematic in most of the garden beds. The plantings were ecclectic, and too much. Once again we resigned ourselves to ripping out the gardens and starting fresh with the look we wanted.
Once the garden bed was completely cleaned out, we installed a red cedar trellis. I have two more of them to be installed either on the west wall of the house or the east wall of the garage. I planted a clematis that will give a nice impact of colour without impeding sidewalk traffic or damaging the siding. I finished off the bed with red cedar mulch. I like the clean, uncluttered look. I may add a decorative element but want to see how the garden looks once our steps are refinished and the front garden bed is redone.
We are being hampered by weather between heat waves and storms so not much is getting done in the gardens. Well, we are getting things done but it's slow going. I keep puttering away at the ornamental garden beds. The front garden bed is going to be a lot of work with the removal of a tree, two shrubs and moving all of that brick for the retainer wall.
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome