[edited to include updated information, March 2, 2009]
During our vacation in central Florida I spotted this beautiful shrub. Unfortunately there was no one out and about when I took the picture so I could not ask what it was.
Thanks to the help of Sinclair this shrub has been identified. He sent me this link to help me in the identification. Wind also commented that it might be bottlebrush but a search found that bottlebrush Callistemon grows mainly in east and southeast Australia (ref. here). Bottlebrush has a much elongated but similar bloom to the powderpuff shrub. Thank-you both so much for your help! I really appreciate it.
Unfortunately for me this shrub grows best in tropical and subtropical climates so the cooler temperatures of Ontario, Canada especially in the winter months would likely mean the shrub would not survive. For those interested in this pretty shrub, check out the link from Sinclair. It is quite informative. I'm sure this shrub would look wonderful in your garden!
One of the downsides to vacationing is seeing all this beautiful vegetation that I would love to be able to grow. I am going to have to enjoy them while on vacation but the possibility of growing indoors is always a possibility as soon as I can talk my husband into a nice conservatory.
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome