Neighbours talking over the garden gate has long been a tradition. They share gardening tips, complain about the weather and pests yet are ever eager to discuss their gardens. That is what I had in mind when creating this blog. So stop by my garden gate to find out the latest happenings in my garden.
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome
"All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child." ~ Madame Marie Curie"
We have had the wonderful pleasure of dealing with and observing an abundance of wildlife over the last almost eight years. Our last house was sandwiched between farmland to the back and natural water to the front as is this house. However, this house is a bit more rural so we get even more wildlife visits. When we moved to our last house we noticed swallows building nests under our dock. According to our neighbour at the time, legend has it that a swallow's nest should never be removed as swallows bring good luck.
As it happens, unless nest is causing a structural or safety issue we would not remove it. The only time the swallows were a problem was when they were nesting. Swallows are very, very territorial and surprisingly testy for such small birds. They dive for the head when threatened. They are a bit of a pain at the marina as well, perching over boats leaving their calling cards. We have a couple of plastic owls that help the problem somewhat but they still manage to mess up our boat cover.
I heard quite the racket outside. Upon investigation I saw a large number of swallows swarming and they obviously were not happy. Back in February when the ice gave way there was a fair amount of dock damage. It took out four of our neighbour's spiles, three of which had been jointed teepee style in the water, and more than likely one of the swallows' nesting sites along with their missing dock spile. The next doct over didn't lose spiles but is badly twisted and I would hazzard a guess any nests that were there are long gone. The poor swallows were looking for their nests!
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome

Years ago we had the wonderful opportunity to visit Parliament Hill during the spring when the crocuses were in bloom. There were masses of them. I immediately fell in love with the look vowing at some point to duplicate it at our home. That was five houses ago and I still have not done this so it will be priority this fall at our new house. Essentially what you do is grab a handful of crocus bulbs then toss with an upward motion over your lawn. Wherever the bulb falls is where it is planted. You can add as many bulbs as you wish knowing the bulbs will naturalize over time resulting in a thicker carpet of crocuses.
Any spring bulb can be used in this fashion but crocuses in particular lend themselves nicely to this application. The blooms are spent but the foliage is able to get the necessary nutrients before the lawn needs trimming. The foliage is shorter as well so as to not make the lawn look too untidy before the first trimming and it simply dies back without yellowing. I can hardly wait to see what my new carpet of crocuses will look like!
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome

First Daffodil of 2011
April 24, 2011
Look what blessed us with a cheery nod Easter Sunday! The beautiful bright yellow was a much welcomed sight. The weather was mild as well just perfect for sitting on the dock enjoying the sights and sounds of the water. I spent a little time puttering amongst the raised beds as well, prepping one for planting and cleaning debris from the herb bed. As I puttered I pondered how this garden will never reach the vision I had for it. I'm saddened to think the beds will likely not be planted as the certainty of us moving becomes more of a reality. I am elated at the prospect of moving, don't get me wrong. There are even established grape vines at our 'prospective' new house and the yard is perfect for a few raised beds. Instead of enjoying sitting on the dock we will be enjoying sitting poolside and we should still be able to enjoy raccoons and rabbits with perhaps the occasional 'possum and skunk. Seriously the new house is about as rural as you can get but technically urban. More on that later but for now, I hope you enjoy this sunny bloom!
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome
This Morning's Snowfall
April 18, 2011
We woke to about two inches of snow this morning. I'm sure the daffodiles and tulips are not appreciating their wintery blanket. The calendar says it's spring. By this time last year the weather had been on the warm side enough to be in summer clothes to celebrate a couple of our grandkid's birthdays. The sun was even warm enough to give that first glow of a sunburn across the nose! What a difference it is this year. We have had snow on and off since early last November. Being of sound mind we spent a month of that time at our vacation home in the sunny south but had to drive through snow going down and coming back. Many are getting rather tired of the snow as it has been hanging on longer than usual. The good thing is the above average snowfall is a good thing for local farmers until now when some of them are getting ready to plow fields. The ground is a bit too wet to be working up right now. Here's hoping the weather turns quickly to get things in gear for the summer months. I fear though it is going to be a cold, wet spring followed by a cooler summer. Time will tell...
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome
First Crocuses
March 31, 2011
The first crocuses are making their cheery appearance in the nook outside the kitchen window. I've left these to naturalize so the are rewarding me with spreading. The kitchen is below grade with the window about four inches from the ground so the crocuses can be enjoyed right from the kitchen. We lost a lot of the crocuses from the front of house ripout we did last year in the middle yard. There's a couple lone crocuses popping up there. If we don't sell then I will be planting more bulbs in the fall in that area.
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome
Daffodils Breaking Ground
March 31, 2011
A few days ago I noticed the daffodils breaking ground. They were up about an inch when Mother Nature graciously covered them up with a blanket of snow. The temperatures have been unseasonably cold with more snow predicted. Still the daffodil shoots hold the promise of their sunny blooms soon to be bringing cheer to spring.
Happy Gardening!
Garden Gnome