Neighbours talking over the garden gate has long been a tradition. They share gardening tips, complain about the weather and pests yet are ever eager to discuss their gardens. That is what I had in mind when creating this blog. So stop by my garden gate to find out the latest happenings in my garden.

Happy Gardening!

Garden Gnome
"All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child." ~ Madame Marie Curie"

Friday, May 21, 2010


May 13, 2010

The common garden geranium is likely one of the most popular of gardening plants perhaps tying in popularity with petunias.  I think every home gardener has at least one geranium growing in their garden.   They do nicely in pot, hanging baskets and in garden beds.  The reason for their popularity aside of their showy blooms is for the most part geraniums are rather low maintenance, problem free plants.  They can even stand a bit of abuse like drying out and they overwinter well.  Propagation is through rooting clippings.  My experience has been that geraniums benefit from dead heading spent blooms if only to keep the plant looking nice.

The neighbour kids were selling geraniums for a local school fund raiser.   They were $3 per 4 - inch potted geranium.  Now I know I could have bought them cheaper at likely one of the box stores (eg. Canadian Tire) but this was for a good cause as well as fostering good neighbour relation so I bought 10 at that price.  The adorable kids delivered my plants on the 12th. They are nice healthy looking plants that I will be using in window boxes.  Aren't they cheery?

Happy Gardening!

Garden Gnome

1 comment:

  1. I've never had geraniums in the garden before this year. Now I have 4, also 4 pertunias :-)

    I didn't really have much interest in gardening before, but I've been bitten by the bug!


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