Neighbours talking over the garden gate has long been a tradition. They share gardening tips, complain about the weather and pests yet are ever eager to discuss their gardens. That is what I had in mind when creating this blog. So stop by my garden gate to find out the latest happenings in my garden.

Happy Gardening!

Garden Gnome
"All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child." ~ Madame Marie Curie"

Friday, April 23, 2010

The First of the Tulips in Bloom

Tulipa tarda
Tulipa tarda
April 19, 2010

I was quite pleased to see the first of the tulips in bloom.  Last year it took a bit of effort to identify Tulipa tarda pictured.  The Tulipa tarda are thriving and spreading (naturalizing).  These pretty little tulips were hiding in with the lilies so at first appeared to be a lily.  What I did find out is the former owner planted these tulips amongst the lilies to protect them from the rabbits.  From experience wild rabbits like snacking on tulips but they don't like lilies so will leave anything planted along with the lilies alone.  So lilies are good companion plants to spring bulbs. 

Happy Gardening!

Garden Gnome


  1. I have to fence all my gardens because of the rabbits. I sure like this dainty little tulip.

  2. Hi Keewee and thanks for visiting. Rabbits are persistent pests aren't they?


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